Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Final Blog Entry for 2008-2009

Good luck to all of you and thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to the program. Please show your parents the DVD to allow them to "see you in action". What a lucky teacher I am to have know all of you. I'll see some of you for your last day tomorrow...see you then.

~Take care and please, please, keep in touch!

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, June 8, 2009

Final Week

Here's a recap folks.....

Tuesday, June 9 - GHS Normal Schedule + Potluck FHS here at 1:05

Wednesday, June 10 - GHS Here at 10:20 LHS here at 1:00


Take care everyone...

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Finally.....Time for "Finals"....and SUMMER !

Hi Everyone,

Here's the schedule for next week for the A.M. class:

Mon/Tues: Regular class schedule (Tuesday Potluck)
Wed June 10 - Final exam at 10:20 a.m.

PM class:

Monday: Regular class schedule (Potluck)
Tuesday June 9: FHS 1:05 FHS HERE ON M and T
Wednesday June 10: LHS 12:45 LHS HERE ON M and W

I cannot belive what a great job you've all done. Study for the final and get help if needed.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Only a Few More Days....

For those of you who need them.....let's get those hours in !!! Eeeeek! Only a few days left to earn the certificate of completion for the course. See me right away so you and I can find a way to finish strong!

We'll continuing reviewing for the final tomorrow. Guest speaker on Thursday.

Take care!

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hello Students !

Have a wonderful weekend and we are gearing up for the final....next week is all about review, review, review...and we'll make it fun, right? Right !

See you soon and please call me for information on completing hours if necessary. I want you to have a certificate of completion!

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hi Everyone and Happy Thursday

Final exam information: GHS - 6/10 at 10:20 * FHS and LHS TBA on 6/3 * DHS: 6/8

Please keep studying for the final as noted in the last blog entry. Your study guide will be ready on 6/3.

Short on CC hours? Call me right away...I have some opportunities for you !!!!

Have a great evening and please call me if you have any questions.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Home Stretch

Hello Students,

Last week of CC coming up! Last day of CC is June 5th. See me if you still need additional hours and we'll come up with plan. Without completed hours, I cannot give you a certificate of completion.

I'll have your final exam study guide ready on June 3rd. Finals schedules will be announced in class on the blog too. We're almost finished....so finish strong!

In the meantime, please study medical terminology, MCG, and Legal Terms. These are areas of the exam that you'll need the most study time on.

Interviewing? Please let me help....I would be happy to do a mock interview with you. Please bring your portfolio and extra copies of your resume to all interview appointments.

Please see me for assistance for summer and fall educational opportunities too.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hello to All !

HAVE A WONDERFUL THREE DAY WEEKEND !!! I'll see you on Tuesday.

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Thursday to You

Hello There,

Tomorrow, please meet with me regarding your portfolio if you have not done so.

I am wishing you a wonderful evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Countdown Begins!

Hi Folks,

There isn't much time left in this school year, so let's continue our quest to "finish strong".

I'm getting portfolios back to you and please check your CC hours with me as well. I'll see you tomorrow and have a great evening!

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Monday to Yoooooouuuu!

Hello Folks,

Hey Seniors....I hope your "Senior Ditch Day" was fun - ahhhh, to be a Senior.

Well, get ready for a few things for tomorrow:

Please bring in your CBE forms and nutrition labels. Portfolios are being returned for last minute edits - so please see me about that. This project is required to complete the course, as you know.

Thanks and take care!

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, May 15, 2009

Have a Great Weekend

Hey GHS Seniors....have a wonderful time at the prom!

Hey Everyone....Please bring in your CBE forms for LPC and food containers and labels (clean ones..okay)?

We'll work on nutrition and a whole lot more.

Take good care of yourselves.

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hello Fabulous People

Hello Med Occs ~

A reminder....please complete your "Credit by Exam" forms. Be very careful about the SS#. Please keep the form very safe until it is returned to me. This form provides you with college credit for having taken Med Occs.

Great day today. I saw a few of you ooozing with maturity today during discussion. Nice.

Thanks and have a great evening!

~Mrs. Erceg

p.s. Anyone going to the CMAA Seminar on Saturday? If so, please let me know!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Time for Payroll and Collections

Hi Everyone,

For tomorrow:

CBE forms will be turned in before Friday if you want college credit for taking this R.O.P. course. Be prepared with your social security number memorized for this form. This information will be kept confidential!

Would you like to earn a lot of hours and certificates? CMAA meeting this Saturday, 5/16.

Payroll - Do you have a payroll check stub? If so, please bring it along.

Collections - We'll talk about collections and how you can be the golden employee if successful
at collecting money before it is due.

MCG - Completed list and review of terms.

See you tomorrow.

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, May 8, 2009

Have a Good Weekend

Take good care of yourselves this weekend! You've worked hard and now you're in the home stretch....only about 4 weeks left of school. Let's finish strong.

Next week: Learning about Payroll - please bring in a payroll stub if you have one.

ALSO: Memorize your social security number for the Credit by Exam form (college credit for
taking this R.O.P. course).

I'll see some of you tomorrow!

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Porfolios Received

WOW....do those portfolios look good! I've opened a few and I'll let you all know if there are any changes or additions.

Deep and troubling subject today.....signs of depression and suicide prevention. The medical field isn't always glamorous and fun, right? We have to take on some really serious responsibilities and one of them is properly assessing patients and clients. I am VERY PROUD of all of you for giving our speaker from "Teens for Life" your attention. Good comments and questions too!

FOR NEXT WEEK: Please memorize your social security number so you can fill out a form regarding "CREDIT BY EXAM" - you fill out the form, get an "A" or a "B" in Med Occs and then you do not have to take certain classes at LPC. ALSO - Please bring to class a check stub from your paycheck. You will not turn this in, but use it as a reference when we do payroll processing next week. Ask your parents...what's the difference between a "W2" and and "W4"? Hmmmm.

See you soon and please call me with any information that will benefit our current and future relationship.....remember: ANTICIPATE THE NEED. Thanks very, very much.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Portfolios Wanted

Hello Students,

I can't wait to see all of the finished portfolios tomorrow. Please be informed that a late portfolio may affect your grade.

REMINDER: Please put cell phones away during class. No more sneaking texts! Not good.

GHS SENIORS: Senior Ball tickets on sale now !!! Student services or online until 5/11.

TOMORROW: We have a guest speaker and I will also be available to go over your hours with you and strategies to ensure you receive a final grade for the course and a certificate of completion.

Take care and have a nice evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Monday

Wow, the school year is whooshing by!

I am very anxious to see your portfolios. Please bring them in tomorrow and Wednesday. No late portfolios will be accepted. (A call from a parent with the reason will have to be your only option for not turning it in on Wednesday). Please call me with ANY QUESTIONS! Thanks!
(510) 305-5111 or email laurieerceg@yahoo.com OR lerceg@livermore.k12.ca.us OR call (925) 606-4800 x 3640. :)

FOOTHILL HIGH STUDENTS: Please come to school on time Wednesday, as I have made arrangements for you to pick up your cap and gown/announcements on THURSDAY 5/7 from Ms. Holy in the front office. She has a list of your names.

This week - We'll talk about employability, appointment scheduling and we have a guest speaker.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, May 1, 2009

Have a Great Weekend !

Hello Folks.

STAR testing is finished. A new week is ahead. We're working on finishing strong, right? RIGHT!

ALL PORTFOLIOS MUST BE TURNED IN ON OR BEFORE MAY 6th. Call me immediately if you have any questions or concerns. I'll be happy to respond.

We'll continue with more fun and adventures next week. We also have some guest speakers coming soon.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Professional Portfolio - Show Your Skills !

Hi Everyone, PORTFOLIOS DUE MAY 6th !

The few portfolios I have seen so far look fabulous. So far, I've seen one from Emily, Monica and Rachel in the morning class. Looks like you three did really well - your portfolios look great.

AM CLASS: Please bring in your portfolio tomorrow so I can see your progress, and maybe
even sign you off before May 6th! See you tomorrow, Thurs. 4/30 at 10:50

PM CLASS: Please bring your portfolios in on Friday, May 1st. I am anxious to see them.
See you Friday, May 1st at 1:05


www.carbonmade.com REMEMBER: Do not type in your SS# ! ! !

Regarding your SS#:

Amanda and Kaylee both made a good point today....If asked for your SS# or money to process an application for employment or scholarships, check it out with a parent first just to be sure. There are a lot of scams out there that lead to identity theft. When you get that "red flag" feeling...trust it.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, April 27, 2009

You are all STARS

Hello Students,

Yes, you are all STARS in my mind. I appreciate all of you and wish you well through STAR testing week. Please review your school website for the schedule.

I'll see GHS folks on Wednesday, (no P2 tomorrow 4/28).

Everyone - Keep working on those portfolios....I am anxious to see how great they look! Reminder, once I have signed off on your portfolio, you may take it home.

Take care and have a nice evening,

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, April 24, 2009

Please think about something for me......

First of all..... you all have a wonderful, bright future ahead. I think every single one of you has great potential. How you decide to reach that potential is critical to your success. Using critical thinking skills and strategies to create better relationships is a hallmark of impending maturity.

Next week, I challenge everyone to try very hard to demonstrate behaviors consistent with a professional environment. When respectful behavior is demonstrated, you can expect it to be reciprocated.

For some of you, cooperation and mature behaviors come naturally - for others, not so much. For some, it takes time to realize who the people are that care about you and want the best for you.............................Please count me in.

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thank You

Hi Wonderful Students,

Thanks for being a captive audience for the CCBMA presentation. I hope it was helpful.

GHS - See you tomorrow.

LHS/DHS/FHS - We meet next week on Friday, May 1st at 1:05....NOT Wednesday!

Let's review hours at the next class meeting. There are about 6 weeks remaining to complete your CC hours.


~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Guest Speaker Tomorrow from CCBMA

Hello There,

Kate Logan from the California Certifying Board for Medical Assistants will be here tomorrow, 4/22.

FHS Students: FHS has a strange schedule..call me and I'll go over it with you. Please arrive late if necessary so you can be part of this event. The other option is to come for the 9:00 a.m. presentation instead tomorrow.

Take care and I'll see you tomorrow.

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcome Back!

Hello All,

I hope you had a great week off.

This week, we're learning about seeing the patient, not just the chart or a medical record number. We all want to be treated with kindness and respect, so now we learn about bringing that into the workplace by treating all patients and clients well.

We will do some medical terminology, create a mission statement for Med Occs and start reviewing medical billing again.

Guest Speaker Wednesday: California Certifying Board for Medical Assistants

Take Care...

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Spring Break !

Have a WONDERFUL time next week. I'll see you after the break.

My very best to you and your families.

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Break is Almost Here

Hang in There Folks!

A few more days and you have some time off. THANK YOU all who will be volunteering some time at your site next week. It will be greatly appreciated and add to your hours as well.

GHS - Special schedule on Friday 4/10 - Please arrive for Period 1 at 8:30 and arrive in class for Medical Occupations at 9:20 - SPECIAL HOMEROOM - the our actual Period 2 starts at 11:30 after the Granada Idol Assembly.

PLEASE REMEMBER to FINISH STRONG! The end of the school year is approaching and do your very best. Please know I am available if you need help. I'll do all I can.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thank you !

Hi Classy Class,

Thanks to those who came on Saturday and helped SO much with the education seminar. It was fantastic thanks to you and all of your assistance. BIG hugs to all of you.

AM class - great job today. Keep up the good work maintaining a professional environment within the classroom. Your college instructors will be pleased with your mature attitudes. Keep it up and FINISH STRONG. There's only a short time left before summer!

Is anyone going on interviews soon? If so see me.

PM Class- See you Wednesday. We're covering "Reportable Conditions" this week.

COMPLETED PORTFOLIOS DUE ON MAY 6TH ! Late portfolios = drop in grade....this is super important to the completion of the course. SEE ME if you need ANY HELP !!! I love questions.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, April 3, 2009


You did great today on those puzzles!

I was so happy to see TWO more solutions done. Congratulations.

Have a great weekend.

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Thursday to You !

Hello Everyone,

We're gearing up for the CMAA Seminar on Saturday. There will be a meeting on May 9th too...I hope you can make it to that one.

Please bring in a question to the next class period that pertains to legal issues in medicine. Just google it. There's 20 points of E.C. in it for you if you share it with the class. Have the answer to the question too!

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

There once was a Heart named Bart....

Hi Folks,

I hope you had fun with the writing exercise today. Some of you know you're a poet, and didn't even know it.

If you have not already, please turn in your hours accrued sheet, signed by a parent at the next class meeting.

Also, for those attending on Saturday, please wear your uniform shirt and pants, or interview attire.

I need gently used and new jewelry for the fundraiser....can anyone help ????? Please ask Mom!

Thanks very much.

~ Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Field Trip Info

Hi Folks -

Please adhere to the following schedule...thank you! You'll have a great time. Prepare to dress appropriately if you plan on impressing someone at some of the booths and want to talk about employment. Pick up business cards and brochures...there may be a summer job waiting for you! Monica and Cristen will be working at the booth...thanks you two!

AM Class - Please park in parking lot "A" GO TO FRONT OFFICE at 9:30 a.m.

PM Class - Please park in parking lot "A" GO TO FRONT OFFICE AT 1:05 p.m.
Please put a sign on your dash that says (Health Quest 2009)

Please....don't be late ! AVHS staff will escort you to the gym. Please do not go to the gym on your own - AVHS is a closed campus.

Amador Valley High School
1155 Santa Rita Road
Pleasanton 461-6100 Mrs. Erceg (510) 305-5111

- Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This is your Blog Entry for 3-25 and 3-26

Hi There,

FANTASTIC presentations everyone. Thanks so much for doing a great job. :)

Reminders for you....

Everyone: Bring your MCG and notes from class on med terms, anatomy, etc.


FIELD TRIP 3/31 : Amador Valley High School Big Gym
1155 Santa Rita Road, PL MY CELL (510) 305-5111

Park and ask for directions if necessary to the health fair/gym. Anyone should be able to help you. CALL MY CELL IF YOU ARE RUNNING LATE !!!! Thanks !!!!

PM class, put a note on your dash and have it read : HEALTH QUEST 2009 and my cell # !!!!

-Take care,

Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Little Kid Day

It's theme week here at GHS and for tomorrow..."Stoplight Day", Thursday "Career Day" and Friday (rally) "Pink and Blue Day".

For those wanting 25 points of E.C., dress for success in interview attire on Thursday 3/26. For the PM class - dress for success on Wednesday next week, 4/1. Earn some extra points! It's easy!

BRING in your time sheets and evaluations tomorrow - PM Class (and a few in the A.M.)

Permission slip deadline is tomorrow. Bring in a note from a parent if you are not going on the field trip. Those not going on the field trip are being assigned to one area on campus for all students not attending on 3/31.

Thanks so much and see you tomorrow!

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, March 23, 2009

Greetings Medical Professionals !

AM and PM Classes - For those who haven't turned them in.....please bring in your permission slip immediately - PLEASE !!! I want you to go. If you cannot go, you MUST bring a note from a parent.

PM Class - Looking forward to Wednesday's presentations!

Everyone...please bring in your thoughts on barriers to communication. Without it, our relationships suffer at home, at work and in our personal lives. Let's work on this together!

More MCG and exam review too.

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Friday !

Dear Students:

PLEASE bring in your permission slips on MONDAY (AM class) and WEDNESDAY (PM class). Copies have to be sent to different departments and school attendance offices.

Thank you GHS AM class for more great presentations. I love the posters and brochures.

I have a sign up sheet ready for folks needed to help at the 4/4 seminar. You will receive certificates for helping!

Do you want to bulk up your resume and portfolio with some bragging about your education? Check this out:


I'll see you all next week and have a fabulous weekend!

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Good Job Today !

Hey GHS Students - Great job today...I'm looking forward the rest of the presentations being
done tomorrow. By the way, next week 3/23 - 3/27 is dress up week and a rally Friday.

PM Students - I am going to see your presentations soon...can't wait!

EVERYONE - I still need the permission slips for 3/31 from some of you. Please bring these in so I can process them. I'll need a note from a parent if you are unable to attend with a full explanation of where you will be that day. I think you will really like Health Quest 2009 by the way...it's quite a production!

Take care everyone.

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh Boy...Time for Presentations!

GHS AM CLASS - Tomorrow - Patient Education Project Presentations

I can't wait to see all of your hard work. Some of you will present tomorrow and some Friday. Everyone - please be ready. We won't have time to work on the projects in class. Be here at 7:30 a.m. if you need to put any last minute touches on your poster, etc. If you have a PowerPoint, please come early to put it on my computer.

LHS - THANK YOU for coming this morning - perfect LHS attendance.

FHS/DHS - Thanks for a nice afternoon of review and discussion.

Good job everyone - keep up the good work at your sites and continuing to build up your hours.

How is the portfolio coming along by the way?

Take care,

Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Presentations !

Hi Everyone !

I'm looking forward to seeing presentations !! Here is the schedule:

AM CLASS Presentations: Thursday 3/19 and Friday 3/20

PM CLASS Presentations: Wednesday 3/25 (due to LHS schedule for testing)

For GHS tomorrow 3/18: No Med Occs class - See you Thursday.

For LHS tomorrow 3/18 - See you at 8:00 a.m. !

DHS and FHS tomorrow 3/18 - See you at 1:00 p.m.

Please ask family for jewelry donations for CMAA and our charities.. Thanks!

Take care,

Mrs. Erceg

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Monday to You !

Hello Students of Medical Occupations:

Reminders: AM and PM classes -PLEASE bring in your permission slips for the 3/31 field trip if you have not done so. If you are unable to go, please bring in a note from a parent explaining the circumstances.

For AM class tomorrow: All Juniors - please come to the classroom (108) at 10:50 for the easy essay that helps with college placement. Bring a note from a parent if you're not planning to come write the EAP essay. (It will take about 45 minutes).

Missing time sheets? Please bring in any you may have. Thanks very much.

AM Seniors: Please come to class at 12:35 for Period 2

ALL STUDENTS: Keep up the good work with site hours from now until June. Wonderful addition to your resume, portfolio site write up and college applications!

THANK YOU Blanca, Melissa and Poonam for planning to volunteer at the Science Fun Fair!

Congratulations to Tori and Ryan for helping at a VFW event on Sunday. GREAT JOB!

I am looking forward to your presentations....can't wait!

Have a great evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Finishing Strong

Hi Everyone,

Please bring in your permission slips for the 3/31 field trip as soon as you can. I need them all turned in by next Friday, 3/20.

FOR TOMORROW, Friday 3/13:

Please focus on:

1. Patient education project - bring your materials to class.
2. CPT and ICD9 coding. Practice matching codes - remember: be very specific!

I don't think I've told you lately.....you are all wonderful students and I want you to keep up the good work and FINISH STRONG!

Next blog entry -Monday, 3/23.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, March 9, 2009

Finish Strong !!! ---and earn extra credit this week!

Hello Everyone,

15 points of EC : Turn in to me, as you walk in on Tuesday or Wednesday, a quote or paragraph, that refers to "a strong finish". We want the last 12 weeks of school to be successful for every student. What are some ways that you can finish the school year with focus and good planning? Prepare to discuss.

T3 begins for the GHS and LHS tomorrow~ I'll see the morning folks for 2nd period!

GHS/LHS Students....did you volunteer at your site yesterday, Mon. 3/9? Please provide a separate time sheet for that date. Thank you!

For tomorrow we will continue working on CMA Exam Prep/ Final Exam material. You will work on your patient education projects too. Please focus with your partner on developing great ideas for each segment of the presentation.

Registration for CMAA Medical Education Seminar 4/4/09 - Please bring in! The meeting is now full and I can only take those who have committed to going. There is a dress code for the event - interview/business attire. Thank you.

Jewelry Sale on 4/4 to benefit CMAA. Please donate a few pieces of inexpensive jewelry to raise money for CMAA and our three charity organizations. Please clean out jewelry boxes! Ask friends, Moms, Aunts and Grandmothers too!

Health Quest is now scheduled for Tuesday, March 31st at AVHS - this is a planned field trip and will require a form signed by your parents and teachers. Forms go home tomorrow and Wednesday.

How are those portfolios coming along? Please ask for help if needed. Do you have the table of contents?

Do you need to make up classroom or CC time? Please see me! Thank you.

Okay folks, we're on the downhill slide toward June! Let's finish strong !!!!!!!!!

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Thanks again for doing a great job! More compliments came in this week about your terrific work at your sites.

The V.A. Hospital in Livermore has new volunteers now! Madelyn, Jessica, Diana T. and Andrea. They have completed their tour of the facility, applications and blood test - now they will schedule hours. Good job!

For the TEST on Wednesday, please pay define the following terms for the last question -
immunosuppressant, antineoplastic, corticosteriod and cytotoxic. What drug is administered as an immunosuppresant AND an antineoplastic? Before the test in the A.M., Josh will present a PowerPoint on "Second Concussion Syndrome" - very important information!

Please be aware of the finals schedule for March 5th and 6th. (See GHS website). I will be away at the CMAA Annual Meeting those two days. Please put in as many hours as your schedule can accommodate.

For some of you, Monday, March 9th is not a school day, so take advantage of earning extra hours at your site. Please be sure to document this on your time sheet.

Check ValleyCare.com for upcoming education meetings to earn CC hours. There's one coming up on Wednesday, March 11th that's very interesting on "Healing Touch" - Helping Cancer Patients. It starts at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:30. It is about using alternative methods - great CME unit. It will be held on the 2nd floor conference room at 5725 W. Las Positas, Pleasanton.

AM Students: Please be prepared to write up your T3 plan regarding meeting your CC hours goal and pursuing even more to bulk up your portfolio.

CMAA Seminar: I will need your registration form and $20 on Wednesday so I can sign you up for the conference on April 4th. First come, first served - so remember the reg/$ please. I will provide you with materials to bring home from the segments on infection control and phlebotomy. These are on order now.

Your success is my reward. When you do your best, work hard and enjoy life - you will find success!

Take care and I'll see you Wednesday.

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tonight's Blog says....Read Last Night's Blog Too!

Hi Everyone,

Bring in your evaluations, time sheets and um......."forgotten" portfolio contents?!?!?!

WINNERS of the free registration for the 4/4 CMAA Medical Education Seminar:

AM: Casey P. and alternate: Alex C.
PM: Brianna G. and alternate: Manizha N. CONGRATULATIONS!

Tomorrow: ALL morning students, Juniors and Seniors, please meet me in the student union at 8:45 a.m. - do not go to the classroom first. The elective fair will be in progress for sophomores, but Med Occs Juniors will be present as well to see what is available for their Senior year at GHS. SENIORS: Please help me at the R.O.P. booth and scope out some people as nice and responsible as yourselves to recruit for next year. If I get a GHS group as wonderful as this one next year, I'll be one happy teacher!!! Wonderful afternoon folks....same schedule - 1:05-3:05.

OPEN HOUSE at GHS tomorrow night (Wed. 2/18) GHS folks please ask your parents to stop by the student union and see me at the Medical Occupations table. R.O.P. programs will be represented there. Time to arrive: 6:20. From 7:00 to 8:00 visit elective classes at their tables.

SCHEDULE: WED (1) 8-8:40 (2/3) 8:50-11:30 (4) 12:10-12:50 (5) 1-1:40
GHS ONLY! THUR (1) 8-9 SITE (2/3) 9:05 -12:20 (4) 1-2 (5) 2:10-3:05
*FRI (1) 8-9 SITE (2/3) 9:10-12:15 (4) 12:55-1:55 (5) 2:05-3:05

*RALLY on FRI 2/20 If you are going....tell me tomorrow morning and we'll work it out.

Have a great evening!!!

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, February 16, 2009

Special Schedules this Week

Hello Everyone,

I hope you had a nice weekend and some kisses and hugs from your Valentine. For those of you who went to work and/or your community classroom site, I hope you had a nice day today. Hopefully, you are all keeping dry and comfortable during this wet weather.

There are special schedules this week. LHS has their elective fair tomorrow, on Tuesday 2/17 and for GHS students, Wednesday 2/18 will be our day to visit the elective fair. For community classroom, please attend and put in as much time as possible, this week at site, as well as in the coming weeks and months. The more hours you have, the more you can report in your portfolio, recommendation letters as well as meeting the requirements of the program.

Don't forget...... Some of you did not turn in all the components of the last assignment. If you have not, please make sure you have put your resume, cover letter and references into your portfolio!!!!!

Here's the site I told you about....Special Project Hours can be developed from this site. See me about that - I'd love to talk to you about it.


See you soon.

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Valentine's Week

Hi Folks,

Guess what? I received more compliments today about the wonderful job you're all doing AND I heard about some job openings too that may interest some of you. Just ask and I'll tell you what's available. To consider paid work, one must be on the ready to go to an interview at a moment's notice....so please make sure you have a TYPED, final draft of your resume, cover letter and references to turn in to me on Wednesday. No excuses folks, call me immediately if you need help. We must get those portfolios completed, making you the strong candidate for employment that you are! Let your parents know about this important project.

Other reminders: CMAA Education Seminar schedule for 4/4. Please consider attending to earn hours and certificates. LHS: Chabot College Nursing Program Presentation at lunch in the Career Center. GHS Class of 2009: Wed. 2/11 -"Fun-Raiser Night" benefitting grad night at Sweet Tomatoes restaurant at 4501 Hopyard. Purchase a beverage and a meal and receive credit. I'll go over details on Wednesday morning. Another fundraiser: Until May 4th - Mountain Mikes on 1st Street in Livermore. 20% of proceeds goes to the grad party. For the calendar and CC hours: Presentation - "Colon Cancer" What you Need to Know - March 19th at 7:00 p.m. in Pleasanton. I'll have details for you on Wednesday. Lastly, We'll continue the PDR assignment and continue with the CMA Exam outline - remember "body planes"?

Call me if you have any questions.....and take care.

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, February 2, 2009

February is here and love is in the air....

Hello All,

I just LOVE the wonderful job you're doing at your sites. In only the last week, I have received so many compliments on our program and on your commitment, dedication and professionalism. You can imagine how proud that makes me feel and how well it reflects your passion for excellence!

Now for some reminders for Wednesday, 2/4:

1. Bring in your written/typed drafts of the resume, cover letter and references. I will be giving
major points for the final drafts on 2/11. Be prepared to go over
these in class - don't show up without them. See this website for help:

2. We'll go over your classroom and CC hours and work on your plan for meeting the
requirements for passing/completing the course.

3. Please tell your parents about the CMAA Educational Seminar scheduled for April 4th.
The speaker topics involve Phlebotomy, Diabetes, Infection Control, Nutrition and more!
You will earn CC hours for attending.

4. I will go over the scholarship assignment for your portfolio.

5. Remember the PDR? We will review again to make sure remember how to use it!

See you Wednesday and please remember to call me if you have any questions.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hello Folks

Hi There Everyone,

I hope you had a good day today. I went to work and went to staff meetings - fun, huh? Well, in a way it was, because working with people you enjoy being around can be fun...when you make it fun.

For Wednesday....please bring in a portfolio binder if you have not done so. Don't make me send a note home. Sheesh. Bring in the draft of your cover letter. It can be handwritten or typed, but a typed copy is preferred. Remember to look at about.com if you need help. We'll finalize a workable resume as well.

There are some job shadowing opportunities coming up. See me if you're interested in:

-Member Services & Administrative Offices
-OB/GYN & Maternal/Child Services
-Facilities Services & Materials Service
-Inpatient Lab Services and Radiology
-Eye-care Services and Physical Therapy

For now....GHS Seniors only for the LPC meeting that starts during homeroom on Wednesday. FHS, LHS and DHS -Check with your career center specialists for LPC visits and information.

You'll need the med term packet and the managed care glossary in your binder - please show up to class prepared with your materials and your time sheet! Some of you did not turn in the career research paper, time sheet and/or the CMA exam examination study outline - see me on Wednesday before class, during break or after class and let's talk about it. Be brave and own up to it, the truth will set you free!

Thanks for another great week of great effort at your community classroom site.

See you Wednesday,

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Greetings and Salutations...

Hi Everyone,

Here are some reminders for tomorrow...

Go to the website for the California Certifying Board for Medical Assistants - http://www.ccbma.org/
Go to the red tabs and click on "exam". Scroll down, then download and print the "examination study outline". Bring this in tomorrow.

Career Research and Interview due tomorrow. I hope you had fun with it.

Time sheets (and a few late evaluations)

Portfolio binder (some of you still need to bring one in) - go to About.com for help with resume, references and cover letter. Go to:


for some samples. We'll work on our cover letter tomorrow. Let's build up those portfolios.

See you tomorrow~

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Still trying....

Hi Everyone,

Blogger isn't working well, so here is one more try to give you some reminders...

Please bring in your timesheet(s), the evaluation from your supervisor/colleague, and the 1-inch white binder (with a plastic window on the front) and five (5) sheet protectors.

We will work on the packets that I gave you last week - medical terminology and managed care glossary. How is your career research assignment coming along? Have you found someone to interview? Please forward the questions in advance if possible. This will make the interview go a lot smoother.

Take care and I'll see you tomorrow. Keep up the great work at your site!

~Mrs. Erceg

Hello Medical Professionals

Hi Folks,

Bring in your evaluations tomorrow, as well as time sheet(s), portfolio binder and sheet protectors- (5). Make sure the binder has a plastic window on the front.

We will be working with the handouts I gave you on medical terminology and managed care. How is your career research project going? Do you have someone to interview?

Keep up the good work at your sites - you are doing a wonderful job. See you tomorrow.

~Mrs. Erceg

Hello Medical Professionals

Hi Folks,

Bring in your evaluations tomorrow, as well as time sheet(s), portfolio binder and sheet protectors- (5). Make sure the binder has a plastic window on the front.

We will be working with the handouts I gave you on medical terminology and managed care. How is your career research project going? Do you have someone to interview?

Keep up the good work at your sites - you are doing a wonderful job. See you tomorrow.

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Med Occs Students Rock All Right!

Hi Folks,

Thanks for being there at your sites and doing a great job. It is so wonderful to see you "in action" at your sites.

Tomorrow, please bring in your time sheets. We have a full agenda and I have announcements, a career research assignment (who will you interview?) and more fun things for you to enjoy.

Have a wonderful evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year and Welcome Back !

Hi Everyone,

Welcome back. I hope you had a great holiday vacation. I had a nice time with family and friends. I also thought about you all and your well-deserved time off.

I know some of you volunteered at your community classroom sites during the past two weeks. If you did, please keep your time sheet with you when you arrive on Wednesday and your extra hours will be posted on the back. Great job folks. I'm sure your time was appreciated!

I had the pleasure of visiting many of you today. I will see the rest of you this week. Keep thinking about strategies on increasing your knowledge and responsibilities at your site.

Have your time sheets signed right away and have them ready to turn in on Wednesday. Please do not leave them in your car...or at your site!

Please talk to your supervisors about the student evaluation due on January 14th. Prepare them in advance so you can collect it on January 12th. This is applied to your grade (having turned it in on time).

AXIS Community Health Interns: This Saturday, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., there will be a fast-paced pediatric immunization clinic. If you would like to volunteer one to four hours of your time, please see talk to me and I'll make the arrangements.

Upcoming assignments: 1. Current task list to add to my documentation of visits.
2. Career research assignment. (Interview required)

Have a wonderful evening and get plenty of good nutrition and rest.

~Mrs. Erceg