Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Monday

Wow, the school year is whooshing by!

I am very anxious to see your portfolios. Please bring them in tomorrow and Wednesday. No late portfolios will be accepted. (A call from a parent with the reason will have to be your only option for not turning it in on Wednesday). Please call me with ANY QUESTIONS! Thanks!
(510) 305-5111 or email OR OR call (925) 606-4800 x 3640. :)

FOOTHILL HIGH STUDENTS: Please come to school on time Wednesday, as I have made arrangements for you to pick up your cap and gown/announcements on THURSDAY 5/7 from Ms. Holy in the front office. She has a list of your names.

This week - We'll talk about employability, appointment scheduling and we have a guest speaker.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

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