Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Porfolios Received those portfolios look good! I've opened a few and I'll let you all know if there are any changes or additions.

Deep and troubling subject today.....signs of depression and suicide prevention. The medical field isn't always glamorous and fun, right? We have to take on some really serious responsibilities and one of them is properly assessing patients and clients. I am VERY PROUD of all of you for giving our speaker from "Teens for Life" your attention. Good comments and questions too!

FOR NEXT WEEK: Please memorize your social security number so you can fill out a form regarding "CREDIT BY EXAM" - you fill out the form, get an "A" or a "B" in Med Occs and then you do not have to take certain classes at LPC. ALSO - Please bring to class a check stub from your paycheck. You will not turn this in, but use it as a reference when we do payroll processing next week. Ask your parents...what's the difference between a "W2" and and "W4"? Hmmmm.

See you soon and please call me with any information that will benefit our current and future relationship.....remember: ANTICIPATE THE NEED. Thanks very, very much.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

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