Monday, February 16, 2009

Special Schedules this Week

Hello Everyone,

I hope you had a nice weekend and some kisses and hugs from your Valentine. For those of you who went to work and/or your community classroom site, I hope you had a nice day today. Hopefully, you are all keeping dry and comfortable during this wet weather.

There are special schedules this week. LHS has their elective fair tomorrow, on Tuesday 2/17 and for GHS students, Wednesday 2/18 will be our day to visit the elective fair. For community classroom, please attend and put in as much time as possible, this week at site, as well as in the coming weeks and months. The more hours you have, the more you can report in your portfolio, recommendation letters as well as meeting the requirements of the program.

Don't forget...... Some of you did not turn in all the components of the last assignment. If you have not, please make sure you have put your resume, cover letter and references into your portfolio!!!!!

Here's the site I told you about....Special Project Hours can be developed from this site. See me about that - I'd love to talk to you about it.

See you soon.

~Mrs. Erceg

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