Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Valentine's Week

Hi Folks,

Guess what? I received more compliments today about the wonderful job you're all doing AND I heard about some job openings too that may interest some of you. Just ask and I'll tell you what's available. To consider paid work, one must be on the ready to go to an interview at a moment's please make sure you have a TYPED, final draft of your resume, cover letter and references to turn in to me on Wednesday. No excuses folks, call me immediately if you need help. We must get those portfolios completed, making you the strong candidate for employment that you are! Let your parents know about this important project.

Other reminders: CMAA Education Seminar schedule for 4/4. Please consider attending to earn hours and certificates. LHS: Chabot College Nursing Program Presentation at lunch in the Career Center. GHS Class of 2009: Wed. 2/11 -"Fun-Raiser Night" benefitting grad night at Sweet Tomatoes restaurant at 4501 Hopyard. Purchase a beverage and a meal and receive credit. I'll go over details on Wednesday morning. Another fundraiser: Until May 4th - Mountain Mikes on 1st Street in Livermore. 20% of proceeds goes to the grad party. For the calendar and CC hours: Presentation - "Colon Cancer" What you Need to Know - March 19th at 7:00 p.m. in Pleasanton. I'll have details for you on Wednesday. Lastly, We'll continue the PDR assignment and continue with the CMA Exam outline - remember "body planes"?

Call me if you have any questions.....and take care.

~Mrs. Erceg

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