Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Monday to You !

Hello Students of Medical Occupations:

Reminders: AM and PM classes -PLEASE bring in your permission slips for the 3/31 field trip if you have not done so. If you are unable to go, please bring in a note from a parent explaining the circumstances.

For AM class tomorrow: All Juniors - please come to the classroom (108) at 10:50 for the easy essay that helps with college placement. Bring a note from a parent if you're not planning to come write the EAP essay. (It will take about 45 minutes).

Missing time sheets? Please bring in any you may have. Thanks very much.

AM Seniors: Please come to class at 12:35 for Period 2

ALL STUDENTS: Keep up the good work with site hours from now until June. Wonderful addition to your resume, portfolio site write up and college applications!

THANK YOU Blanca, Melissa and Poonam for planning to volunteer at the Science Fun Fair!

Congratulations to Tori and Ryan for helping at a VFW event on Sunday. GREAT JOB!

I am looking forward to your presentations....can't wait!

Have a great evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

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