Monday, March 2, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Thanks again for doing a great job! More compliments came in this week about your terrific work at your sites.

The V.A. Hospital in Livermore has new volunteers now! Madelyn, Jessica, Diana T. and Andrea. They have completed their tour of the facility, applications and blood test - now they will schedule hours. Good job!

For the TEST on Wednesday, please pay define the following terms for the last question -
immunosuppressant, antineoplastic, corticosteriod and cytotoxic. What drug is administered as an immunosuppresant AND an antineoplastic? Before the test in the A.M., Josh will present a PowerPoint on "Second Concussion Syndrome" - very important information!

Please be aware of the finals schedule for March 5th and 6th. (See GHS website). I will be away at the CMAA Annual Meeting those two days. Please put in as many hours as your schedule can accommodate.

For some of you, Monday, March 9th is not a school day, so take advantage of earning extra hours at your site. Please be sure to document this on your time sheet.

Check for upcoming education meetings to earn CC hours. There's one coming up on Wednesday, March 11th that's very interesting on "Healing Touch" - Helping Cancer Patients. It starts at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:30. It is about using alternative methods - great CME unit. It will be held on the 2nd floor conference room at 5725 W. Las Positas, Pleasanton.

AM Students: Please be prepared to write up your T3 plan regarding meeting your CC hours goal and pursuing even more to bulk up your portfolio.

CMAA Seminar: I will need your registration form and $20 on Wednesday so I can sign you up for the conference on April 4th. First come, first served - so remember the reg/$ please. I will provide you with materials to bring home from the segments on infection control and phlebotomy. These are on order now.

Your success is my reward. When you do your best, work hard and enjoy life - you will find success!

Take care and I'll see you Wednesday.

~Mrs. Erceg

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