Monday, March 9, 2009

Finish Strong !!! ---and earn extra credit this week!

Hello Everyone,

15 points of EC : Turn in to me, as you walk in on Tuesday or Wednesday, a quote or paragraph, that refers to "a strong finish". We want the last 12 weeks of school to be successful for every student. What are some ways that you can finish the school year with focus and good planning? Prepare to discuss.

T3 begins for the GHS and LHS tomorrow~ I'll see the morning folks for 2nd period!

GHS/LHS Students....did you volunteer at your site yesterday, Mon. 3/9? Please provide a separate time sheet for that date. Thank you!

For tomorrow we will continue working on CMA Exam Prep/ Final Exam material. You will work on your patient education projects too. Please focus with your partner on developing great ideas for each segment of the presentation.

Registration for CMAA Medical Education Seminar 4/4/09 - Please bring in! The meeting is now full and I can only take those who have committed to going. There is a dress code for the event - interview/business attire. Thank you.

Jewelry Sale on 4/4 to benefit CMAA. Please donate a few pieces of inexpensive jewelry to raise money for CMAA and our three charity organizations. Please clean out jewelry boxes! Ask friends, Moms, Aunts and Grandmothers too!

Health Quest is now scheduled for Tuesday, March 31st at AVHS - this is a planned field trip and will require a form signed by your parents and teachers. Forms go home tomorrow and Wednesday.

How are those portfolios coming along? Please ask for help if needed. Do you have the table of contents?

Do you need to make up classroom or CC time? Please see me! Thank you.

Okay folks, we're on the downhill slide toward June! Let's finish strong !!!!!!!!!

~Mrs. Erceg

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