Monday, April 6, 2009

Thank you !

Hi Classy Class,

Thanks to those who came on Saturday and helped SO much with the education seminar. It was fantastic thanks to you and all of your assistance. BIG hugs to all of you.

AM class - great job today. Keep up the good work maintaining a professional environment within the classroom. Your college instructors will be pleased with your mature attitudes. Keep it up and FINISH STRONG. There's only a short time left before summer!

Is anyone going on interviews soon? If so see me.

PM Class- See you Wednesday. We're covering "Reportable Conditions" this week.

COMPLETED PORTFOLIOS DUE ON MAY 6TH ! Late portfolios = drop in grade....this is super important to the completion of the course. SEE ME if you need ANY HELP !!! I love questions.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

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