Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What are your intentions? All good....I know.

Hello Students,

Thank you for writing your "letters of intent" today. I am really looking forward to reading them. We talked about attitude today and how important it is when working with patients and co-workers. I need all of my students to show their ability in maintaining a good attitude even in the face of adversity. I make sure you have a teacher ready to help you every day (me) and you are training to be ready for working with patients in a kind and polite way. We have to let things go for awhile sometimes and show our best attitudes on the job. Great work today on that. I really liked your comments about taking the high road even if you're feeling low.

I will ask you to work on your medical term games tomorrow and hopefully finish them. Please bring in any materials you may need to complete the game. We'll also work on developing our skills and eventually getting to "telephone triage" and emergency response calls.

Remind parents about order forms for the uniforms. These are DUE 10/20.

Students attending the advisory meeting tomorrow- please see me when you arrive.

By the way, I'm seeing good progress in behaviors. There are still a few of you who are having trouble with self-discipline. Please remember to not disrupt the class by talking during lecture or questions being asked by another student. Thanks very much.

I am looking forward to working with all of you on your CC sites!

Have a wonderful (Hunter's Moon) evening. (Full moon from dawn to dusk today)

~Mrs. Erceg

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