Wednesday, October 1, 2008

For GHS Seniors Only.....

Hello Class of 2009 ~

1. Please make sure you check your transcript you received today. Look at the credit summary box - the third column (Def) lists the credits needed to graduate. Current classes are under "Work in Progress". These credits should equal or exceed the number of credits to graduate. Make sure you are enrolled in the correct English classes that satisfy the English requirment at UC/CSU schools. See your counselor if you have questions!

2. Return the transcript release form and return it to the counseling office. All colleges, including Las Positas, will be able to receive a copy of your transcripts when requested.

3. Senior Parent Night/College Workships (Blue Form) MONDAY, OCT. 6th - We will discuss senior activities and the college application process.

4. Read over the college application handout to understand the process and when apps are due.

Go Seniors! 2009 - Woo Hoo!

~Mrs. Erceg

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