Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hello Travelers !

Hello Students,

I'll see all of my morning students as planned - at 9:20. We'll have lunch in the classroom
(a.m. class) and leave around 11:45 to head to LPC.

Field trip reminders:

  1. Arrive at LPC no later than 12:15 in parking lot "H".
  2. Make sure you have your parking pass - place on dashboard. (a.m. class gets theirs tomorrow)
  3. Wear comfortable clothing - something casual but nice. No shorts or tank tops please.
  4. SHOES: Closed-toe and closed-heel shoes only. We will be touring a science laboratory.
  5. Cell phones must be off and put away during the tour.
  6. Leave heavy bags and backpacks locked in the car.

CALL MY CELL IF NECESSARY TOMORROW after 11:45 a.m.: (510) 305-5111

Thanks and have a great evening!

Mrs. Erceg

p.s. You were all very brave today - thanks for being tough. TB tests are necessary for all
health care personnel.

p.s.s. Thanks to Joyce, Tammy and Sharon! More stuffed animals for "Good News Bears"!

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