Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Monday

Hi Folks,

Please bring in your UNIFORM SHIRT/SCRUB PANTS checks and order forms tomorrow!! I have to send in the payment a.s.a.p. I want us all looking really sharp for our class picture. Please let me know tomorrow about purchasing your scrub pants from me or if you're on your own with that. We'll keep coming up with new places to buy the pants in the Tri-Valley area.

We have our work cut out for us. There are some topics to cover this week, CVS, Respiratory, confidentiality, appointment scheduling and CPR preparation. Did you know that the goal is to perform 100 chest compressions per minute? That takes a lot of strength. I heard that if you listen to "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees, the beat of the music is exactly the rhythm needed for CPR. Ask your parents, they'll get a kick out of that.

Tomorrow we'll finish us playing our medical terminology games and keep them on hand for review.

Have you taken your pulse lately? (Or someone else's?)

Take care and have a great evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

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