Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween !

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. I hope you have a scary, fun Halloween.

See you next week for more internship prep. That's not so scary!

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thank You

Hello Everyone,

I just have to tell you.....I was SO impressed with the scenarios you wrote and how attentive you were while others shared. It is not always easy to be patient and you did a wonderful job.

I hope you are all feeling more comfortable about taking vital signs. We'll continue practicing tomorrow. Please remember to take your resting heart rate (see previous blog entry) and listen to people on the telephone - how do they answer? Politely? Professionally?

Keep showing me the behaviors I expect of medical interns. I know you've got what it takes, so continue working on being the best you can be. That's all I ask.

Take care and have a lovely evening,

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What is your "Prognosis"?

Hi Folks,

Congratulations, both classes had great attendance today and did a good job practicing vital signs. I suppose I can say your prognosis is excellent.

I have been hard on a few of you lately. I have to demand the best behaviors in class so I can trust those behaviors will be transferred to your internship sites. I promise the site supervisors that my students are very professional and ethical. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and mature attitudes.

A question to think about regarding our community classroom experience... What is the most efficient way to schedule patients throughout the day? How can they be greeted, escorted to a room and cared for with dignity and professionalism?

Take care and I'll see you tomorrow for more vital signs and patient check-in practice.

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, October 27, 2008

Can You Say "Sphygmomanometer" ?

When your parents ask you what you learned today, say you took someone's blood pressure with a stethascope and a "sfing-moh-man-nom-meter".

We will practice vital signs again tomorrow. Please take your resting heart rate tomorrow morning and tell me what it was. Don't get out of bed, find your carotid pulse when you wake up and count for 60 seconds. Is this pulse rate different from your pulse rate you have in the middle of the day?

See you tomorrow!

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Friday!

Have a great weekend everyone. Be prepared, my future medical professionals.....

next week is packed full of fun and excitement! Vital signs, CVS, Respiratory name it! We'll have a lot to do...but let's work hard and get it done. I'm watching for those ready for internship.

Be good to yourselves.

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today was a good day. You worked hard and I appreciate your attentive and mature attitudes. Please keep those behaviors as your standards for success in the program.

Take good care of the sub tomorrow- and please refer to the schedule posted on the cabinet near the door - it is written in blue. Adhere to the schedule and thank you all. I'll be available by cell phone if you need me or call Foothill High School and ask for Room A5.

Keep taking pulses!

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Reminders for You

For those of you who have not turned them in......Please bring in your UNIFORM SHIRT/SCRUB PANTS checks and order forms tomorrow!! (Wednesday 10/22)

I really liked your game designs. The students had fun playing them. We just need to work on talking and disruption during play. I am watching for behaviors consistent with the course and internship. Practice a lot of self-discipline tomorrow, and every day in class. I need to trust that my students are clear-thinking and focused at their sites and not easily distracted. If someone in class starts to distract you, please look directly at me or nod your head side-to-side, indicating "not now - we'll talk later". Be in control of your environment or see me to help you.

FOR TOMORROW: Assignment (graded 10 points) - Come prepared to write down what Cheyne-Stokes respiration is.

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Monday

Hi Folks,

Please bring in your UNIFORM SHIRT/SCRUB PANTS checks and order forms tomorrow!! I have to send in the payment a.s.a.p. I want us all looking really sharp for our class picture. Please let me know tomorrow about purchasing your scrub pants from me or if you're on your own with that. We'll keep coming up with new places to buy the pants in the Tri-Valley area.

We have our work cut out for us. There are some topics to cover this week, CVS, Respiratory, confidentiality, appointment scheduling and CPR preparation. Did you know that the goal is to perform 100 chest compressions per minute? That takes a lot of strength. I heard that if you listen to "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees, the beat of the music is exactly the rhythm needed for CPR. Ask your parents, they'll get a kick out of that.

Tomorrow we'll finish us playing our medical terminology games and keep them on hand for review.

Have you taken your pulse lately? (Or someone else's?)

Take care and have a great evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Before you get out of bed.....

Try taking your pulse! This is known as a "resting heart rate". Instructions: Before getting up out of bed, look at a clock, find your carotid or radial pulse and watch the numbers on a digital clock or your cell phone. When the minute changes to the next, start counting for the full 60 seconds, (until the minute changes again). What is your RHR versus your pulse rate you took in class? Is it different? Why would it be (or not be?). Take a family member's pulse tonight too!

Great job on telephone triage. Practicing this helps you prepare for future phone calls and staying calm in an emergency. Patients will rely on you!

TOMORROW: TEST- Endocrine, Reproductive and Nervous System.
TURN IN ASSIGNMENT "Pioneer in Medical History" DATE STAMP IT !
FINISH the medical terminology game and play within your own group only.
(find any last minute updates or changes to ensure it's easy to play)
DVD/FILM: "Patch Adams" with Robin Williams
(A.M. CLASS - Special Bell Schedule tomorrow - Rachel will help.)

REMEMBER: There is a substitute tomorrow. Be the wonderful people I know and love.
I will be working hard at the conference and in the field acquiring sites for you.
Please follow up on your own personal inquiries too.
- Check/Form due on Monday 10/20 for shirt and/or scrub pants + CPR.

Have a great evening and a great weekend.

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's "vital" you know your vital signs !

Keep working on taking your pulse, or someone elses! You can never get enough practice. Do you remember where the pulse points are?

Let's try to finish the med term games tomorrow. Prepare for the test Friday and turn in your paper on a pioneer in medical history too.

I'll work with many of you tomorrow on internship prep. Please ask a parent or there a spot for you at a local doctor's office or clinic? Ask that they call me and I'll send my letter or go see them on appointment. I'd love to secure more internship sites.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What are your intentions? All good....I know.

Hello Students,

Thank you for writing your "letters of intent" today. I am really looking forward to reading them. We talked about attitude today and how important it is when working with patients and co-workers. I need all of my students to show their ability in maintaining a good attitude even in the face of adversity. I make sure you have a teacher ready to help you every day (me) and you are training to be ready for working with patients in a kind and polite way. We have to let things go for awhile sometimes and show our best attitudes on the job. Great work today on that. I really liked your comments about taking the high road even if you're feeling low.

I will ask you to work on your medical term games tomorrow and hopefully finish them. Please bring in any materials you may need to complete the game. We'll also work on developing our skills and eventually getting to "telephone triage" and emergency response calls.

Remind parents about order forms for the uniforms. These are DUE 10/20.

Students attending the advisory meeting tomorrow- please see me when you arrive.

By the way, I'm seeing good progress in behaviors. There are still a few of you who are having trouble with self-discipline. Please remember to not disrupt the class by talking during lecture or questions being asked by another student. Thanks very much.

I am looking forward to working with all of you on your CC sites!

Have a wonderful (Hunter's Moon) evening. (Full moon from dawn to dusk today)

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, October 13, 2008

Game Designers Unite !

Hi Folks ~

Keep thinking up great ideas regarding your medical terminology game design.

Remember: 30 Legitimate words/abbreviations, definitions of those, study guide to help prep your audience a bit - no answers, just topic areas, catchy title for the game, colorful, durable and have all the pieces/equipment you need. I have a 6-light buzzer, bell and a kitchen timer here in the classroom. Don't forget! Keep writing on your log/notes to ensure receiving a grade. All members of the group must contribute equally.

This week we continue with the lymphatic system as well as work on "telephone etiquette". What does your greeting say on your phone? How do you answer a telephone in a business setting? What are the legal and ethical implications involved in using the telephone?

Take care and have a great evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, October 10, 2008

Do you know anyone who is a mind-reader?

Remember to communicate well ! We can't always know what others are thinking and encourage them to talk to you about their needs and yours.

Another great week, I hope you had fun. I sure did.

Next week: Lymphatic system.

Test next week - Reproductive, Endocrine, Nervous and Lymphatic systems.

Have a wonderful weekend! (make flash cards - or go online to Fun !

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Go Where You're Needed

Thank you all for passing my "test" this week. When I told everyone..."new seating chart", students proceeded to find their seats -most of you. This was a test of cooperation, flexibility and adapting to a changing environment. Good job. This is what good employees/volunteers are made of. My no-whining policy is in full effect. :/

I'll send home the order form for the uniforms and CPR tomorrow. Please advise your parents that they can call me if there are any questions.

Tomorrow: MT #4 due and the medical research paper (homework).

Please have your parents call me if there are any questions regarding the TB tests, thank you.

More brainy stuff tomorrow too.

Have a wonderful evening!

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thank you

Hi Folks,

Thanks for representing the program so well today during the field trip. I feel the information received today was helpful to you in making some decisions about college.

DUE FRIDAY: MT #4 and the homework assignment on medical research.

SATURDAY: CMAA Meeting at "On the Border" Restaurant (Topic: EMS Services/EMT)

I am working diligently on site placements. Please bring in any information regarding site preferences. I'll need the name of the facility/physician, address, ph# and contact person in their office or clinic. I'll be meeting with all of you in the coming weeks and setting up your interviews.

I'll see you all tomorrow and thanks again.

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hello Travelers !

Hello Students,

I'll see all of my morning students as planned - at 9:20. We'll have lunch in the classroom
(a.m. class) and leave around 11:45 to head to LPC.

Field trip reminders:

  1. Arrive at LPC no later than 12:15 in parking lot "H".
  2. Make sure you have your parking pass - place on dashboard. (a.m. class gets theirs tomorrow)
  3. Wear comfortable clothing - something casual but nice. No shorts or tank tops please.
  4. SHOES: Closed-toe and closed-heel shoes only. We will be touring a science laboratory.
  5. Cell phones must be off and put away during the tour.
  6. Leave heavy bags and backpacks locked in the car.

CALL MY CELL IF NECESSARY TOMORROW after 11:45 a.m.: (510) 305-5111

Thanks and have a great evening!

Mrs. Erceg

p.s. You were all very brave today - thanks for being tough. TB tests are necessary for all
health care personnel.

p.s.s. Thanks to Joyce, Tammy and Sharon! More stuffed animals for "Good News Bears"!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Just Say "No" to Drugs, Say "Yes" to Health

Hi Everyone,

We found out what certain drugs can do to the human body when used inappropriately. Just say no to brain damage and life altering drama - say no to drugs. (Unless prescribed and used correctly!)

Please ask your parents about home remedies. Some of these really work! Some don't. Share yourfindings.

Our focus is the brain and nervous system this week. Use those fantastic brains of yours and bring your comments and questions to discussion and lecture this week. Show me the participation !!!


Have a great evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, October 3, 2008


Friday night homework? know what to do! Tell your parents about your nice progress report, show it to them. Tell them what you learned today - I know they'll appreciate all of your hard work. You all deserve a round of applause for good attitudes and classroom conduct.

Practice telling time in "military time". It's the way things are done in a hospital. Was the baby born at 8:00 a.m. or 8:00 p.m.? Is it 0800? I'll ask you to tell me what time it is a lot next week.

Next week we'll study the nervous system and special senses.

Have a great weekend!

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Okay, I missed one....

Well, nightly blogs are my thing...but last night the only one that got out was for the GHS seniors.

Don't despair! I will not miss very many all year.

I am SO PROUD of my classes! Everyone had such great questions today, you were all very engaged in the lessons and attentive. You were polite, punctual and have had great attendance. These are the behaviors I hope for and will rely on when you are out at site.

REMINDER: Tues: TB Test Wed 10/8 FIELD TRIP TO LPC - have lunch prior to the event, wear appropriate clothing and closed-toed and closed-heel shoes. I'm looking forward to this!

Tomorrow we'll continue our lessons on the reproductive system, PDR and legal issues/ethics.

Take care and have a great evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

p.s. Is it "prostrate gland" or "prostate gland" ? Lie down and think about it. LOL

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

For GHS Seniors Only.....

Hello Class of 2009 ~

1. Please make sure you check your transcript you received today. Look at the credit summary box - the third column (Def) lists the credits needed to graduate. Current classes are under "Work in Progress". These credits should equal or exceed the number of credits to graduate. Make sure you are enrolled in the correct English classes that satisfy the English requirment at UC/CSU schools. See your counselor if you have questions!

2. Return the transcript release form and return it to the counseling office. All colleges, including Las Positas, will be able to receive a copy of your transcripts when requested.

3. Senior Parent Night/College Workships (Blue Form) MONDAY, OCT. 6th - We will discuss senior activities and the college application process.

4. Read over the college application handout to understand the process and when apps are due.

Go Seniors! 2009 - Woo Hoo!

~Mrs. Erceg