Thursday, September 25, 2008

Is is the "right eye" or the "left eye"? OD? OS?

....or is it both eyes? Well, you certainly learned a lot of medical abbreviations today. You all did a great job defining the abbreviations on the handout. You'll be using a lot of these next week when we cover pharmacology. By the way, your examples regarding the personal qualities of a healthcare worker were very impressive. Keep up the good work. I'm enjoying the observation of brilliant minds at work.

Tomorrow we will review our terms on the board, draw some pictures of muscles and continue our discussions on internship prep and medicolegal/ethical issues. Please be prepared for these discussions.

By the way, are you keeping an "eye" on the website:

Have a great evening,

~Mrs. Erceg

p.s. Joke: Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? Answer: Because he didn't have the "guts".

p.s.s. Psssssst...I'll ask you what was on the blog tonight. If you can't answer....uh oh.

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