Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'll Miss You All!

Hi Everyone...

I'm so proud of the way you handled yourselves today. It's obvious you are interested in taking good care of patients one day. You were very attentive during lecture and discussions. Good questions today about the urinary tract system. Keep them coming!

Talk to parents and relatives.....I want to have a record number of folks here for "Back to School Night" on Wednesday, Sept. 10th. Thank you in advance for communicating to parents how important that evening will be to you, me and your future community classroom sites.

Tomorrow and Friday I will be at a medical conference for CMAA ( The sub will need your help and cooperation and I know I can trust all of you on that. The instructions are on the board for the 8-week plan and an extra assigment by the sign in sheets. Please leave sign in sheets for me. If any questions come up you need help with, ask Ms. Mancuso next door or call my cell phone. The number is (510) 305-5111. I'll be checking for messages.

A lot of stuffed animals came today!!! Yippeeee! Please bring one or more in as soon as you can. Jeannie from Good News Bears will be here tomorrow to speak to the afternoon class.

The 8-week plan video/assignment is scheduled for tomorrow and Friday. Check out Dr. Weil's website tonight. This will help you quite a bit.

Keep checking the blog. I'll do my best to blog you while I'm away!

Take care and have a great couple of days. See you Monday.

~Mrs. Erceg

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