Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hello From Mrs. Squeaky

Well, the laryngitis was a little better today. I hope you liked the DVD on "Life Before Anesthesia" - Ugh. What a thought.

I'm looking forward to meeting with all of you one-on-one next week. I need those kind of meetings with you so we can really understand each other. I need to really know you and have a good relationship with each student to make the community classroom experience work...and work well. I am observing behaviors in class to help me determine if students will be placed in the community. I send out the very best, and only the best to clients, doctors, clinics and hospitals. Continue to prove to me how mature and responsible you all are.

Grades and progress reports will be available at our meeting. Please bring your questions and your requests/information regarding community classroom.

Please print out your MTP #3 tonight (due Friday!) so you can feel satisfied that the work is done and printed. I am looking forward to seeing this assignment. It is such a great skill to know how to research a disease and how they are treated. Knowledge is power!

We'll continue our work tomorrow on bones and muscles, abbreviations and legal/ethical issues.

Have a wonderful evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

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