Thursday, March 26, 2009

Field Trip Info

Hi Folks -

Please adhere to the following schedule...thank you! You'll have a great time. Prepare to dress appropriately if you plan on impressing someone at some of the booths and want to talk about employment. Pick up business cards and brochures...there may be a summer job waiting for you! Monica and Cristen will be working at the booth...thanks you two!

AM Class - Please park in parking lot "A" GO TO FRONT OFFICE at 9:30 a.m.

PM Class - Please park in parking lot "A" GO TO FRONT OFFICE AT 1:05 p.m.
Please put a sign on your dash that says (Health Quest 2009)

Please....don't be late ! AVHS staff will escort you to the gym. Please do not go to the gym on your own - AVHS is a closed campus.

Amador Valley High School
1155 Santa Rita Road
Pleasanton 461-6100 Mrs. Erceg (510) 305-5111

- Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This is your Blog Entry for 3-25 and 3-26

Hi There,

FANTASTIC presentations everyone. Thanks so much for doing a great job. :)

Reminders for you....

Everyone: Bring your MCG and notes from class on med terms, anatomy, etc.


FIELD TRIP 3/31 : Amador Valley High School Big Gym
1155 Santa Rita Road, PL MY CELL (510) 305-5111

Park and ask for directions if necessary to the health fair/gym. Anyone should be able to help you. CALL MY CELL IF YOU ARE RUNNING LATE !!!! Thanks !!!!

PM class, put a note on your dash and have it read : HEALTH QUEST 2009 and my cell # !!!!

-Take care,

Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Little Kid Day

It's theme week here at GHS and for tomorrow..."Stoplight Day", Thursday "Career Day" and Friday (rally) "Pink and Blue Day".

For those wanting 25 points of E.C., dress for success in interview attire on Thursday 3/26. For the PM class - dress for success on Wednesday next week, 4/1. Earn some extra points! It's easy!

BRING in your time sheets and evaluations tomorrow - PM Class (and a few in the A.M.)

Permission slip deadline is tomorrow. Bring in a note from a parent if you are not going on the field trip. Those not going on the field trip are being assigned to one area on campus for all students not attending on 3/31.

Thanks so much and see you tomorrow!

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, March 23, 2009

Greetings Medical Professionals !

AM and PM Classes - For those who haven't turned them in.....please bring in your permission slip immediately - PLEASE !!! I want you to go. If you cannot go, you MUST bring a note from a parent.

PM Class - Looking forward to Wednesday's presentations!

Everyone...please bring in your thoughts on barriers to communication. Without it, our relationships suffer at home, at work and in our personal lives. Let's work on this together!

More MCG and exam review too.

~Mrs. Erceg

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Friday !

Dear Students:

PLEASE bring in your permission slips on MONDAY (AM class) and WEDNESDAY (PM class). Copies have to be sent to different departments and school attendance offices.

Thank you GHS AM class for more great presentations. I love the posters and brochures.

I have a sign up sheet ready for folks needed to help at the 4/4 seminar. You will receive certificates for helping!

Do you want to bulk up your resume and portfolio with some bragging about your education? Check this out:

I'll see you all next week and have a fabulous weekend!

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Good Job Today !

Hey GHS Students - Great job today...I'm looking forward the rest of the presentations being
done tomorrow. By the way, next week 3/23 - 3/27 is dress up week and a rally Friday.

PM Students - I am going to see your presentations soon...can't wait!

EVERYONE - I still need the permission slips for 3/31 from some of you. Please bring these in so I can process them. I'll need a note from a parent if you are unable to attend with a full explanation of where you will be that day. I think you will really like Health Quest 2009 by the's quite a production!

Take care everyone.

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh Boy...Time for Presentations!

GHS AM CLASS - Tomorrow - Patient Education Project Presentations

I can't wait to see all of your hard work. Some of you will present tomorrow and some Friday. Everyone - please be ready. We won't have time to work on the projects in class. Be here at 7:30 a.m. if you need to put any last minute touches on your poster, etc. If you have a PowerPoint, please come early to put it on my computer.

LHS - THANK YOU for coming this morning - perfect LHS attendance.

FHS/DHS - Thanks for a nice afternoon of review and discussion.

Good job everyone - keep up the good work at your sites and continuing to build up your hours.

How is the portfolio coming along by the way?

Take care,

Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Presentations !

Hi Everyone !

I'm looking forward to seeing presentations !! Here is the schedule:

AM CLASS Presentations: Thursday 3/19 and Friday 3/20

PM CLASS Presentations: Wednesday 3/25 (due to LHS schedule for testing)

For GHS tomorrow 3/18: No Med Occs class - See you Thursday.

For LHS tomorrow 3/18 - See you at 8:00 a.m. !

DHS and FHS tomorrow 3/18 - See you at 1:00 p.m.

Please ask family for jewelry donations for CMAA and our charities.. Thanks!

Take care,

Mrs. Erceg

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Monday to You !

Hello Students of Medical Occupations:

Reminders: AM and PM classes -PLEASE bring in your permission slips for the 3/31 field trip if you have not done so. If you are unable to go, please bring in a note from a parent explaining the circumstances.

For AM class tomorrow: All Juniors - please come to the classroom (108) at 10:50 for the easy essay that helps with college placement. Bring a note from a parent if you're not planning to come write the EAP essay. (It will take about 45 minutes).

Missing time sheets? Please bring in any you may have. Thanks very much.

AM Seniors: Please come to class at 12:35 for Period 2

ALL STUDENTS: Keep up the good work with site hours from now until June. Wonderful addition to your resume, portfolio site write up and college applications!

THANK YOU Blanca, Melissa and Poonam for planning to volunteer at the Science Fun Fair!

Congratulations to Tori and Ryan for helping at a VFW event on Sunday. GREAT JOB!

I am looking forward to your presentations....can't wait!

Have a great evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Finishing Strong

Hi Everyone,

Please bring in your permission slips for the 3/31 field trip as soon as you can. I need them all turned in by next Friday, 3/20.

FOR TOMORROW, Friday 3/13:

Please focus on:

1. Patient education project - bring your materials to class.
2. CPT and ICD9 coding. Practice matching codes - remember: be very specific!

I don't think I've told you are all wonderful students and I want you to keep up the good work and FINISH STRONG!

Next blog entry -Monday, 3/23.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, March 9, 2009

Finish Strong !!! ---and earn extra credit this week!

Hello Everyone,

15 points of EC : Turn in to me, as you walk in on Tuesday or Wednesday, a quote or paragraph, that refers to "a strong finish". We want the last 12 weeks of school to be successful for every student. What are some ways that you can finish the school year with focus and good planning? Prepare to discuss.

T3 begins for the GHS and LHS tomorrow~ I'll see the morning folks for 2nd period!

GHS/LHS Students....did you volunteer at your site yesterday, Mon. 3/9? Please provide a separate time sheet for that date. Thank you!

For tomorrow we will continue working on CMA Exam Prep/ Final Exam material. You will work on your patient education projects too. Please focus with your partner on developing great ideas for each segment of the presentation.

Registration for CMAA Medical Education Seminar 4/4/09 - Please bring in! The meeting is now full and I can only take those who have committed to going. There is a dress code for the event - interview/business attire. Thank you.

Jewelry Sale on 4/4 to benefit CMAA. Please donate a few pieces of inexpensive jewelry to raise money for CMAA and our three charity organizations. Please clean out jewelry boxes! Ask friends, Moms, Aunts and Grandmothers too!

Health Quest is now scheduled for Tuesday, March 31st at AVHS - this is a planned field trip and will require a form signed by your parents and teachers. Forms go home tomorrow and Wednesday.

How are those portfolios coming along? Please ask for help if needed. Do you have the table of contents?

Do you need to make up classroom or CC time? Please see me! Thank you.

Okay folks, we're on the downhill slide toward June! Let's finish strong !!!!!!!!!

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Thanks again for doing a great job! More compliments came in this week about your terrific work at your sites.

The V.A. Hospital in Livermore has new volunteers now! Madelyn, Jessica, Diana T. and Andrea. They have completed their tour of the facility, applications and blood test - now they will schedule hours. Good job!

For the TEST on Wednesday, please pay define the following terms for the last question -
immunosuppressant, antineoplastic, corticosteriod and cytotoxic. What drug is administered as an immunosuppresant AND an antineoplastic? Before the test in the A.M., Josh will present a PowerPoint on "Second Concussion Syndrome" - very important information!

Please be aware of the finals schedule for March 5th and 6th. (See GHS website). I will be away at the CMAA Annual Meeting those two days. Please put in as many hours as your schedule can accommodate.

For some of you, Monday, March 9th is not a school day, so take advantage of earning extra hours at your site. Please be sure to document this on your time sheet.

Check for upcoming education meetings to earn CC hours. There's one coming up on Wednesday, March 11th that's very interesting on "Healing Touch" - Helping Cancer Patients. It starts at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:30. It is about using alternative methods - great CME unit. It will be held on the 2nd floor conference room at 5725 W. Las Positas, Pleasanton.

AM Students: Please be prepared to write up your T3 plan regarding meeting your CC hours goal and pursuing even more to bulk up your portfolio.

CMAA Seminar: I will need your registration form and $20 on Wednesday so I can sign you up for the conference on April 4th. First come, first served - so remember the reg/$ please. I will provide you with materials to bring home from the segments on infection control and phlebotomy. These are on order now.

Your success is my reward. When you do your best, work hard and enjoy life - you will find success!

Take care and I'll see you Wednesday.

~Mrs. Erceg