Hi Folks,
I'll be off the radar on Thursday 12/11 and Friday 12/12, so if you need someone urgently regarding the Med Occs program, please call Tri-Valley R.O.P at 925- 455-4800 and talk to Susan, Anna Lisa or Mitzi. They will help you. If it is informational only, please leave a message on my cell phone or email me at lerceg@livermore.k12.ca.us
Get those hours in! After review, many of you did a little more last week, some not enough. Be sure to set your goal for 2.5+ hours per day to meet the requirements of the program.
I meant to give you the dates the supervisor evaluations are due... here they are:
1/14/09 2/18/09 3/18/09 4/22/09 and 5/20/09
There will be an assignment given in January that requires you to choose a career area to explore and you'll interview someone in that field. Please start considering what career area you would like to research and who your interview subject may be.
It's not mandatory, but if you and your family would like to offer up some goodies to share with your site that would be very nice. Perhaps some cookies or other holiday treat? We like to show our appreciation at every opportunity.
Feel free to bring in treats to share on Wednesday, 12/17. WATCH for the blog entries on Monday and Tuesday, 12/15 and 12/16!!!
Thanks and get those hours in!
~Mrs. Erceg
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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