Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Congratulations are in order!

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday, December 1st marked the first day of a new adventure in Medical Occupations. I spent the day at the V.A. Hospital yesterday with the students touring all the departments. Today, I was able to see nearly all of you at your site. For the few that I didn't see, I'll be visiting later this week.

I look forward to hearing all about your first two days tomorrow. Remember to keep track of all of your tasks that you are currently working on at your site and write these down on the back of your time sheet each week. There will be several assignments to track your progress and develop a training plan. I want you to have a good site experience and to do that, you and I have to work together and communicate well.

Reminders: Make sure you are completing hours - minimum of 2.5 hours per day. If you are leaving early for any reason, please let me know so I will not miss you when I come to monitor you at your site. I have a hectic visitation and curriculum prep schedule, and I appreciate you helping me by keeping me informed. Please bring in your folders and business cards tomorrow.

Take care and congratulations on completing your first two days of community classroom.

~Mrs. Erceg

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