Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hello Medical Professionals

Dear Students of Medical Occupations,

You should all be very proud of yourselves. I can see that you are committed to doing a great job at your sites. I enjoy visiting you and watching your progress...fantastic. There are more opportunities coming up at the V.A. Hospital to work directly with patients and delivering bedside care. Some of the veterans need help with craft projects they are making for holiday gifts. Please see me for details.

Mark your calendars/or enter into your cell phone----to check the blog on MONDAYS and TUESDAYS in preparation for our Wednesdays in the classroom. There will be reminders that you'll need to see. Please remember each week to check the blog on those days.

FOR TOMORROW: Timesheets! - filled out completely. AM class - you are required to complete 2.5 hours per day and the PM class 2.0+ per day. Site info forms are due and I'll help you with those in class. We will review our site activities and work on medical terminology.
Keep those stuffed animals coming in! Clean out your closets and ask your friends to do the same. In-class assignment tomorrow is to identify tasks that were easier for you due to classroom activities, assignments or lecture, as well as new tasks that are challenging for you. I'll ask you to write these down tomorrow in class as we share our individual stories about site activities.

GHS: Panoramic pictures are in. I will arrange for you to see Jodi Robison in Student Services to pick yours up.

Great job everyone!

~Mrs. Erceg

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