Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Holidays

Hi Folks,

Keep up the good work at your sites everyone. Your commitment to the program is appreciated.

This will be the last blog entry of 2008! Wow, time has flown by. Here are reminders for tomorrow:

1. Time sheets must be turned in each Wednesday, so bring it in tomorrow. Take some

extra blank copies with you today for your folder. I take points away for each late

time sheet, so be careful! Call me if there's ANY problem getting it signed or turned in on

time. I have posted your hours in the classroom.

2. Remind your site that the first supervisor evaluation is due on January 14th.

Show it to your supervisor on January 5th and give them plenty of time to review it.

3. VIOLATIONS noted at site will be discussed tomorrow. Please remember you are

representing yourself, the program and your instructor.

4. Be mindful with your time/time sheets. I have noted students not at their site when I

visited and they did not call in to let me know. That is a cut and affects your grade and

your credibility.

5. We will talk about training plans and requests to increase responsibility at your sites


I know you are really working hard out there. I rely on all of you to do the very best you can and know I am available to help you when needed.

By the way, if you want to bring in food to share tomorrow, please do!

Take care and I'll see you tomorrow. I also want to wish you a wonderful time with your family and friends over the holiday.

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Monday to You

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are staying warm and dry in this crazy weather. I know you're out there doing a great job and I have visited a number of you already today with more to see.

Please get your time sheets signed for the week of 12/8 to 12/12 and turn them in on Wednesday. Bring your folders to class and check the blog tomorrow as well for reminders.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Note for You

Hi Folks,

I'll be off the radar on Thursday 12/11 and Friday 12/12, so if you need someone urgently regarding the Med Occs program, please call Tri-Valley R.O.P at 925- 455-4800 and talk to Susan, Anna Lisa or Mitzi. They will help you. If it is informational only, please leave a message on my cell phone or email me at lerceg@livermore.k12.ca.us

Get those hours in! After review, many of you did a little more last week, some not enough. Be sure to set your goal for 2.5+ hours per day to meet the requirements of the program.

I meant to give you the dates the supervisor evaluations are due... here they are:

1/14/09 2/18/09 3/18/09 4/22/09 and 5/20/09

There will be an assignment given in January that requires you to choose a career area to explore and you'll interview someone in that field. Please start considering what career area you would like to research and who your interview subject may be.

It's not mandatory, but if you and your family would like to offer up some goodies to share with your site that would be very nice. Perhaps some cookies or other holiday treat? We like to show our appreciation at every opportunity.

Feel free to bring in treats to share on Wednesday, 12/17. WATCH for the blog entries on Monday and Tuesday, 12/15 and 12/16!!!

Thanks and get those hours in!

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hello Medical Professionals

Dear Students of Medical Occupations,

You should all be very proud of yourselves. I can see that you are committed to doing a great job at your sites. I enjoy visiting you and watching your progress...fantastic. There are more opportunities coming up at the V.A. Hospital to work directly with patients and delivering bedside care. Some of the veterans need help with craft projects they are making for holiday gifts. Please see me for details.

Mark your calendars/or enter into your cell phone----to check the blog on MONDAYS and TUESDAYS in preparation for our Wednesdays in the classroom. There will be reminders that you'll need to see. Please remember each week to check the blog on those days.

FOR TOMORROW: Timesheets! - filled out completely. AM class - you are required to complete 2.5 hours per day and the PM class 2.0+ per day. Site info forms are due and I'll help you with those in class. We will review our site activities and work on medical terminology.
Keep those stuffed animals coming in! Clean out your closets and ask your friends to do the same. In-class assignment tomorrow is to identify tasks that were easier for you due to classroom activities, assignments or lecture, as well as new tasks that are challenging for you. I'll ask you to write these down tomorrow in class as we share our individual stories about site activities.

GHS: Panoramic pictures are in. I will arrange for you to see Jodi Robison in Student Services to pick yours up.

Great job everyone!

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Congratulations are in order!

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday, December 1st marked the first day of a new adventure in Medical Occupations. I spent the day at the V.A. Hospital yesterday with the students touring all the departments. Today, I was able to see nearly all of you at your site. For the few that I didn't see, I'll be visiting later this week.

I look forward to hearing all about your first two days tomorrow. Remember to keep track of all of your tasks that you are currently working on at your site and write these down on the back of your time sheet each week. There will be several assignments to track your progress and develop a training plan. I want you to have a good site experience and to do that, you and I have to work together and communicate well.

Reminders: Make sure you are completing hours - minimum of 2.5 hours per day. If you are leaving early for any reason, please let me know so I will not miss you when I come to monitor you at your site. I have a hectic visitation and curriculum prep schedule, and I appreciate you helping me by keeping me informed. Please bring in your folders and business cards tomorrow.

Take care and congratulations on completing your first two days of community classroom.

~Mrs. Erceg