Monday, August 11, 2008

Welcome to Medical Occupations !

Welcome 08-09 Students!

I hope you are ready for a fun and exciting year. I am very anxious to get to know all of you.

What you need to know about me is my motto...."Your success is my reward." I work hard to make your experience in my class the best it can be. I see my class as adult school, not high school. I expect behaviors consistent with the workplace; show up and show up on time, anticipate the needs of others and act accordingly. I ask that you smile, (always good) work hard and absorb all you can. What you learn in this class prepares you to work with patients and their families. Imagine what it means to be a health care professional.

Please laugh at my jokes - that always goes over well with teachers. Attitude is everything! Great attitudes bring great results! Have I mentioned that smiles work great with me?

Here's your first assignment: Look at five (5) websites online that help you with medical terminology, anatomy, medical news and information and careers in health care. Find your favorites. Print out the home pages and bring these to class. This will be due on Friday 8/29 and I'll give you credit toward your grade.

Here's one to get you started: (Click on the book "medicine")

I sincerely believe that each and every one of you has the potential for are already off to a good start!

I know that the 08-09 year will be fantastic!

~Mrs. Erceg

p.s. Read the blog every day for homework.

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