Hello Folks,
Thanks for bringing in your write-ups on the "Epi-Pen". Those students that turned them in will receive extra credit - 10 points. Do you know anyone that needs to carry an Epi-Pen or needs a Medic-Alert bracelet or necklace? Well, you know how to advise someone now, right? In this class we gather a lot of useful tools to help our patients, our families and ourselves.
The ESLR posters are coming along fine. Many groups are almost finished, others need to catch up. I'm very impressed with the work so far. Let's finish these tomorrow and present these to the class on Friday.
AM Group - we have a guest speaker tomorrow from "Good News Bears". PM Group - this speaker will come see you next Thursday, 9/4. We will also finish the film on ASL.
There is an assignment due on Friday, 8/29. Please see the blog entry dated 8/11.
NO HOMEWORK TONIGHT (at least for my class!)
Have a great evening and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
~Mrs. Erceg
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