Dear Students,
The A.M. class got a bear-y good presentation on the "Good News Bears" program today. What a difference a bear hug and some attention can make!
Next week, the P.M. class will benefit from the same speaker. Wouldn't it be nice if we could collect a few "gently used" stuffed animals, bears, beanie babies, etc. to show Jeannie when she returns next Thursday? To "freshen up" your stuffed animal(s) give them a spin in the dryer with a dryer sheet. Talk to friends and family about a contribution.
Presentations of the beautiful ESLR posters tomorrow! I will be taking a photo of your group with your poster. Prepare to talk about life experiences and applications in the workplace. We will follow that up with the Life Skills Assignment.
Your website assignment is due tomorrow. Please date stamp it and turn it in when you arrive.
Please ask your parents to help you gather your immunization and vaccine info and bring in a copy. If a parent has questions please have them call me - (925) 606-4800 x 3640. Thanks!
Don't forget....check the blog each evening, including Fridays. Nearly every day there is a new entry.
Take care and thanks for another great day. (Bring in info for your info cards too!) :)
~Mrs. Erceg
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