Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Friday Everyone !

Hello Students ~

Thanks for a great week. I appreciate your wonderful attitudes and enjoyed meeting you all. It is a privilege to have students committed to the program.

GREAT JOB on the ESLR (Expected School-wide Learning Results) presentations today!!! Wow, you really understood the concepts and developed fantastic workplace applications.

Here are the questions from the handout that people were having trouble with. I'll review these on Tuesday. Feel free to bring in all three answers.....I will reward you with respect and gratitude...and maybe a prize.

* How many bones does an adult have? (The other part was how many a newborn has).
* If you weigh 80 pounds, about how much weight is muscle?
* How much longer will your hair be in one month if you don't get a haircut? Now, figure how long it would take for your hair to grow three feet.

Thank you for a wonderful week. You have really helped me look forward to this school year. It's all about professionalism, commitment and compassion, right?

Take care and have a great weekend!!!

~Mrs. Erceg

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lions and Tigers and BEARS....Oh my !

Dear Students,
The A.M. class got a bear-y good presentation on the "Good News Bears" program today. What a difference a bear hug and some attention can make!
Next week, the P.M. class will benefit from the same speaker. Wouldn't it be nice if we could collect a few "gently used" stuffed animals, bears, beanie babies, etc. to show Jeannie when she returns next Thursday? To "freshen up" your stuffed animal(s) give them a spin in the dryer with a dryer sheet. Talk to friends and family about a contribution.
Presentations of the beautiful ESLR posters tomorrow! I will be taking a photo of your group with your poster. Prepare to talk about life experiences and applications in the workplace. We will follow that up with the Life Skills Assignment.
Your website assignment is due tomorrow. Please date stamp it and turn it in when you arrive.
Please ask your parents to help you gather your immunization and vaccine info and bring in a copy. If a parent has questions please have them call me - (925) 606-4800 x 3640. Thanks!
Don't forget....check the blog each evening, including Fridays. Nearly every day there is a new entry.
Take care and thanks for another great day. (Bring in info for your info cards too!) :)
~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Do You Hap-pen to Have an Epi-Pen?

Hello Folks,

Thanks for bringing in your write-ups on the "Epi-Pen". Those students that turned them in will receive extra credit - 10 points. Do you know anyone that needs to carry an Epi-Pen or needs a Medic-Alert bracelet or necklace? Well, you know how to advise someone now, right? In this class we gather a lot of useful tools to help our patients, our families and ourselves.

The ESLR posters are coming along fine. Many groups are almost finished, others need to catch up. I'm very impressed with the work so far. Let's finish these tomorrow and present these to the class on Friday.

AM Group - we have a guest speaker tomorrow from "Good News Bears". PM Group - this speaker will come see you next Thursday, 9/4. We will also finish the film on ASL.

There is an assignment due on Friday, 8/29. Please see the blog entry dated 8/11.

NO HOMEWORK TONIGHT (at least for my class!)

Have a great evening and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

~Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Med Occs Rocks!

Hello Fabulous Students,

Great work today. I was very impressed with your sign language. It really takes a lot of courage to try new things. I hope you continue to practice and perhaps take an ASL class in the future.

We will continue to work on our ESLR project tomorrow. Please bring in any graphics, magazine pictures, etc. to apply to the poster. There will be a brief presentation done by each group to explain their design and each person's contribution after we're finished.

For tomorrow, bring in 2-3 allergies, implanted medical devices or other conditions that require a medical alert bracelet. For help, ask your familiy or go to

Please talk to your parents about obtaining a list of your immunizations and vaccines. This will be needed for internship. Thank you.

Due tomorrow: AM class : Student Activity Form and Photo Acknowledgment Form
PM class: Photo Acknowledgment Form

Pssssst!..... for a reward, bring in one paragraph on binder paper explaing what an "Epi-Pen" is. This must be handed to me upon arrival - otherwise, it will not count. Put your full name on it.

Have a great evening!

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, August 25, 2008

Thanks for a great day!

Hello Students ~

I enjoyed today very much and I can tell you are all professional, committed and compassionate!
Throw a few medical terms at your family tonight and tell them your teacher was very impressed with you. We have a great year ahead exploring medical careers.

Don't forget to fuel your bodies with good nutrition. Carry healthy snacks and pack them in your bag tonight.

AFTERNOON STUDENTS: Class begins at 1:05 and ends at 3:05. Please bring in your information cards given out in class today. See you tomorrow.

Have a great evening.

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, August 11, 2008

Welcome to Medical Occupations !

Welcome 08-09 Students!

I hope you are ready for a fun and exciting year. I am very anxious to get to know all of you.

What you need to know about me is my motto...."Your success is my reward." I work hard to make your experience in my class the best it can be. I see my class as adult school, not high school. I expect behaviors consistent with the workplace; show up and show up on time, anticipate the needs of others and act accordingly. I ask that you smile, (always good) work hard and absorb all you can. What you learn in this class prepares you to work with patients and their families. Imagine what it means to be a health care professional.

Please laugh at my jokes - that always goes over well with teachers. Attitude is everything! Great attitudes bring great results! Have I mentioned that smiles work great with me?

Here's your first assignment: Look at five (5) websites online that help you with medical terminology, anatomy, medical news and information and careers in health care. Find your favorites. Print out the home pages and bring these to class. This will be due on Friday 8/29 and I'll give you credit toward your grade.

Here's one to get you started: (Click on the book "medicine")

I sincerely believe that each and every one of you has the potential for are already off to a good start!

I know that the 08-09 year will be fantastic!

~Mrs. Erceg

p.s. Read the blog every day for homework.