Wednesday, May 2, 2012

GREAT job today on the medical terminology presentations!!! Very clever and interesting.

Thank you Lindsey, Marcella and Xochilt for being classroom managers today.  I appreciate you! 

PORTFOLIOS are due on Wednesday next week, MAY 9th.  Keep everything in the same order as the TOC, but feel free to add tabs/sheet protectors of other items that say great things about you! FIND A WAY to get it to me if you are going to be absent. I highly recommend that you get a recommendation letter from your site.  I can walk you through typing one up for them to sign.  They will probably love the idea of signing it for you! 

PUT YOUR TRAINING PLAN and the LAST EVALUATION (not the one due 5/16) in your portfolio right after your site experience paper.

Evaluations DUE Wednesday, May 16thGIVE this to your supervisor (or staff member if you have not already).  ASK THEM to please put comments / questions on the back of the evaluation.  Thanks.

NEED 4 CC Hours?  There is a meeting coming up on 5/16 at the Hilton in Pleasanton.  Reserve your seat now (students attend for free)  Call (925) 314-2565. TOPIC:  HEAD INJURIES/Sports Medicine.    Wonderful addition to the portfolio and resume'!

There are now 14 CC days remaining in the month of May.  End of internship: Friday, May 25th.  Please meet with me if you feel you will not meet the 180 hour requirement to complete the course.  I need lunch time and after school helpers.....I can help with those needed CC hours.

Soon, I will be talking to you about filling out some paperwork to allow you to earn college credit by passing this class with an "A" or a "B".  More to come on that.

KELSEY, ZOE, MARCELLA, CASSIDAY AND ALEX - regarding the blood drive on 5/16, bring your permission slip, signed, to Ms. Miller in S2 right away!!!

Hey Zoe, Sierra and Morgan......confirm your site plan for 5/4 - GHS Rally Time!

GHS/LHS/AVHS/FHS - start on your normal site schedules tomorrow!  DHS: Text me with your schedule.

Have a great evening.

Mrs. Erceg

Friday, January 8, 2010

Blog is back up!

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for a very nice day yesterday. I don't think I tell you are doing a great job, not just for the program, but for all the patients/clients you assist during the week. I love hearing all the compliments about your professionalism and wonderful attitudes. This is the big time folks, and you are really proving yourself. What a fantastic career portfolio you will have!

As a reminder, here's what I am looking for - a training plan, using the format I handed out. Customize the left hand column to create a list of tasks you perform and/or observe, tasks that you would perform and would like to perform and/or observe, and plans for tasks to perform without supervision. Go over a draft with your supervisor or a colleague, then type up a final draft. One copy for me (due Wed 1/13) and one to keep for your binder. You do not have to give one to the supervisor unless they would like to have a copy.

We'll continue to work on our career portfolios and start some new curriculum on Wednesday next week.

Remember to keep the daily log/journal up to date. You only need to write basic notes, about 3 to 5 sentences. You are welcome to write more if you had a big day!

Take care and call me if you need assistance with timesheets, the training plan, etc.

Have a very nice weekend.

Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hello Fabulous People!

Hi Everyone..

For tomorrow, please bring your CC binder and we'll work on developing a training plan. We will also work on curriculum as well as your portfolio. Bring in your timesheets! Thank you.

See you tomorrow and welcome back.

Mrs. Erceg

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a great holiday, I sure did. Stay tuned and check the blog tomorrow. Get time sheets signed!

Mrs. Erceg

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Final Blog Entry for 2008-2009

Good luck to all of you and thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to the program. Please show your parents the DVD to allow them to "see you in action". What a lucky teacher I am to have know all of you. I'll see some of you for your last day tomorrow...see you then.

~Take care and please, please, keep in touch!

~Mrs. Erceg

Monday, June 8, 2009

Final Week

Here's a recap folks.....

Tuesday, June 9 - GHS Normal Schedule + Potluck FHS here at 1:05

Wednesday, June 10 - GHS Here at 10:20 LHS here at 1:00


Take care everyone...

~Mrs. Erceg

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Finally.....Time for "Finals"....and SUMMER !

Hi Everyone,

Here's the schedule for next week for the A.M. class:

Mon/Tues: Regular class schedule (Tuesday Potluck)
Wed June 10 - Final exam at 10:20 a.m.

PM class:

Monday: Regular class schedule (Potluck)
Tuesday June 9: FHS 1:05 FHS HERE ON M and T
Wednesday June 10: LHS 12:45 LHS HERE ON M and W

I cannot belive what a great job you've all done. Study for the final and get help if needed.

Take care,

~Mrs. Erceg